Convict Cheats

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The only cheat we only sell at the moment is an external league cheat. This cheat at the moment is ud to VAC, FACEIT, and any other serverside anti cheat. We use randomized builds on runtime and part the cheat from your direct OS so this cheat is technically ud from ESEA. We suggest using a usb because it will add extra security but we will still part the cheat from your OS either way. VacNet is also no match for our cheat as we have never experienced a ban by VacNet. The cheat has never been detected and is priced well for the service we provide. Configs are hard-coded into the build but we have a forum for build adjustment if you aren't satisfied with your config. We are creating a new loader that will allow you to make custom configs. The config we made is meant for LEGIT CHEATING ONLY. This is not a rage cheat and can't be used as such. We are not responsible for any ow bans, faceit bans, vac bans, or esea bans. This cheat is public, and can get detected. Builds are personal so to receive your personal build make a post in "Personal Builds" and one will be pm'd to you. Make sure to read the rules. Have fun - Mob

Binds are in the menu.

You should ask for a new build every ten days to keep yourself safe from vac and other anti cheat clients.

Make sure to join our discord for extra support and fun times



we will do specific builds including not having aimbot, no esp, only aimbot, etc


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